Delicious Pomegranate Recipes
I LOVE pomegranates. They are, without a doubt, my very favorite fruit. I long for the pomegranate season and scoop up a few pomegranates whenever I see them in the store. The boys love them, too, and they're full of yummy goodness! A few weeks ago, I bought about 72 pomegranates for $30 from Bountiful Baskets and we are still enjoying them. I've frozen some arils and also collected a few great pomegranate recipes to try! Take a look and see what you think! And if you have a great recipe made with pomegranates, let me know in the comments.
If you are looking for tips for picking, storing, and serving pomegrantes, check out this informative post from Frugal Minded Mom.
What do you do with fresh pomegranates? Can you cook with pomegranate seeds? Check out these recipes!
Ten Delicious Pomegranate Recipes

Ten Delicious Pomegranate Recipes
There are so many ways to eat pomegranates! Here are ten delicious pomegranate recipes!