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Give it a Chance

Captain Fussybuckets is almost three.  He was always a fussy baby in the car, so we were always listening to “Baby Signing Time” CDs or after he was eight months old, watching baby and kid DVDs on the DVD player in the car.  Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion….whatever makes it easier on him …

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Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread Recipe

Not everyone likes the spices in this recipe, so play around to see what you and your family like the most!  Captain Fussybuckets liked it because it had chocolate in it.  :o) Enjoy! ************************************************************************* For an alternate recipe idea, try Pumpkin Bread with this special ingredient!

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What’s For Dinner? Panko Breaded, Oven Fried Fish Sticks!

Sometimes thinking of what to have for dinner is such a hard decision!  Add in someone on a low/no saturated fat diet (as we all SHOULD be, in my opinion, but wow, is that hard!), a low carb diet, and a picky 2 year old…choosing what to eat for dinner is tricky!  Last night, the …

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Tyler, TX
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