If you are a houseplant lover like me, you have likely seen plants with all different colors in the leaves. With Valentine's Day on the way, I decided to make a go to collection of gorgeous pink houseplants to gift to someone that you love or to keep for yourself to add pink to your houseplant collection.

We are likely all aware of the pink princess philodendron, who had its moment in 2020 during lockdown. Everyone had to have this beautiful plant added to their collection.
Pink houseplants bring a touch of elegance and charm to any space with their vibrant hues and unique patterns. These plants offer a perfect blend of color and texture.
These plants not only brighten up your home but also make a bold, stylish statement in your indoor garden. Ideal for any space, pink houseplants are a must-have for plant lovers seeking beauty and a bit of color.
Hoyas, philodendrons, syngoniums and more have vibrant colors and most are easy to take care of. Here is a small collection of the massive options available if you are a pink houseplant lover.
Pink Houseplants
Pink houseplants are perfect for gifting to the houseplant lover that you love!

Pink Princess Philodendron
This is probably the most popular pink houseplant. It was very sought after and expensive in 2020, but prices have gone down and these are generally easy to find at your local big box store. They are fairly easy to care for and is a relatively slow grower.

White Princess Philodendron
If you like small splashes of pink, the White Princess Philodendron is for you. This is one of my very favorites. It is mostly green and white, but the pink shows up on the stems and in the leaves.
Pink Micans
This pink plant is my newest obsession. The pinks in some of the leaves on the velvety leaves is just stunning!
Plum Crazy Shamrock Oxalis Variegated Houseplant
This looks like the perfect plant for Spring! Oxalis grow easily outdoors or indoors, so this is a winning plant for sure.

Variegated String of Hearts
"String of" plants are really popular, and this varieagated string of hearts is no different. It truly is the perfect gift for Valentine's Day!

Strawberry Syngonium
There are a few different pink syngonium options, but this Strawberry Syngonium is a cute one!

Tricolor Hoya Krimson Queen
There are many pink hoyas and this one even has pink blooms, if you can give it enough love and attention to bloom for you.